Memphis Wrestling - Season 3 Episode 23 May 7, 2005
0.0048 minutes
Commentary: Corey Maclin & Brian Teigland Recap of Hot Boys being cooled off last week Hot Boys interview Hot Boys d. Mid-South Idol & ABC Kid Taped Jimmy Hart, Nasty Boy Brian Knobbs, & Attorney B.O. Barby interview Derrick King interview Derrick King d. Chris O'Neal Too Cool 2 Interview Reggie B. Fine & Private Precious Interview w/ Corey Maclin confrontation Recap of Jerry Lawler vs. Grady Watson Blindfold match in Walnut, MS (which turned into a match with Grandmaster Sexay & Jerry Lawler) by Jerry Lawler & Renee Reggie B. Fine & Private Precious d. Too Cool 2 via DQ (Flex sprays a fire extinguisher on Private Precious)