Memphis Wrestling - Season 3 Episode 10 February 26, 2005
0.0048 minutes
Brian Teigland & Bert Prentice host Maclin's Malitia segment Team Canada Interview Jonny Dotson & Chris Michaels d. Team Canada via DQ (Derrick King runs in) 2 Cool 2 Interview Jonny Dotson Interview Corey Maclin Interview (Maria stops by & 2 Cool 2 joins Maclin's Malitia) Corey Maclin Jerry Lawler confrontation Simon Dean, Jaime Dundee, & Reggie B. Fine confrontation with Bill Dundee & Kevin White Grandmaster Sexay & Shock d. Nick Doom & Doom via DQ (RaShard & Koo B. Ware runs in) Grandmaster Sexay & Shock Interview Maclin's Militia Induction of Paula Lawler with Lawler's army confrontation Maclin's Militia fight Lawler's Army