Bounty Lady - Season 1 Episode 17   2013

Bounty Lady - Season 1 Episode 17

5.70 40 minutes
Through tracing the source of the phone ring sounds, YUEN HUEN and FA-LUI eventually discover the location of the freezer storage room where KWONG-NAM and TIN-KIU are caught. Later on in the ward, KWONG-NAM tells YUEN HUEN that, in his point of view, YUEN HUEN is not really in love with him. However, when YUEN HUEN meets alone with KWONG-NAM, KWONG-NAM tries to kiss her by force...... Even during her pregnancy, YUEN SUM constantly attends the promotional campaigns for the launch of her new book, which worries SIN-NAM so much. Having resumed contact with SHUK-WAH, FAN-KEUNG specifically reserves a small shop for her to do business, making SHUK-WAH deeply moved. TIN-KIU accepts KWONG-NAM's advice to make a sincere apology in public, hoping that YUEN HUEN will eventually forgive him……


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