The Jamie Kennedy Experiment - Season 3 Episode 3 Episode 303
6.0030 minutes
This episode takes places in Los Angeles.
Avery, a professional writer looking for work, is our mark in the first skit. He has been set up by his friend Nicole. Avery has an appointment with the president of a studio, but he gets held up by a remarkably thorough gang of security guards...Jamie and his crew!
Jamie and his mark Harris go on a paparazzi mission, posing as gas men to invade a celebrity's home and photograph her as she's recovering from plastic surgery. (Actually, it's a celebrity lookalike, and the name of whoever she's supposed to be keeps getting bleeped out!)
Meet Jacqueline. She's setting up her boyfriend Manny at a nice restaurant. Jamie plays a (very gay) waiter who mixes up desserts, accidentally giving Jacqueline a dessert with an engagement ring in it! How will Manny react to his accidental proposal... or when the guy who intended that dessert for his girlfriend confronts Manny?