Crest of the Stars - Season 1 Episode 6 Mysterious Conspiracy
7.7025 minutes
With the Gosroth destroyed, the United Mankind is free to continue its path toward the planet of Sufugnoff. The Abhs did, however, fight ferociously until the end, letting Jinto and Lafiel gain a large lead over the enemy fleet in the race toward Abh territory.
Little do they know, but that lead will shrink significantly thanks to what was originally intended to be a very short layover for refueling in the Baron Febdash territory. Lafiel is quite uncomfortable with the excessive attention she receives from the baron's scantily clad vassals -- as well as with the lack of respect given to Jinto -- and seeks to leave immediately.
Right on cue, Baron Febdash appears on a video screen, apologizing to Lafiel that his space station lacks the fuel her ship requires. Furthermore, he informs her that the vessel is in need of repair.
Doubting the truthfulness of both statements, Lafiel is left wondering why Febdash seems to be trying to prevent Jinto and her from leaving. The intrigue only deepen