The Legend of William Tell - Season 1 Episode 7 The Spirit of Kale 1998

The Legend of William Tell - Season 1 Episode 7 The Spirit of Kale

5.40 60 minutes
Kalem, daring to the point of arrogance, transforms herself into a bird in order to spy on Kreel in his stronghold - but Shaytana's Eye senses her, and in the encounter she is badly wounded. She stumbles back to the heroes in a state of shock. In order to restore herself she must drink from the Crystal Stream, which contains her lifespirit. Kalem is far too weak to make the journey herself: Will and the wildcat Aruna must go in her stead, leaving Leon and Drogo to guard Vara and the ailing Kalem. Vara, still troubled by nightmares about the violent end of her parents and of her former life, has been touched by the psychic power of Kreel. He is sending her images of her old nurse Melba, which become so strong Vara is drawn back to the Citadel to find her. Drogo follows, powerless to stop the headstrong princess from putting herself and all the others in such peril ... Melba, who is secretly working for Kreel, agrees to come back with Vara and Drogo and join the rebels - but she carries


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