Harry is a French TV game show broadcast on France 3 from Monday to Friday at 4 :50pm since November 12, 2012. The show is hosted by Sébastien Folin. This game is the first created by Jean-Pierre Attal, a former TV gameshows contestant. It was codevelopped with the Newen and BigNose groups. It’s based upon the contestants’ ability to reform chopped up words. Four contestants face off against Harry, a virtual character shaped like a smiley who mixes syllables. They have to put back in the correct order words that have been chopped up into a series of rings that move onscreen. Following two rounds and a semifinal, only one contestant reaches the final. The credits’ soundtrack is the work of Mam's, Y. Bourdin, B. Raffaelli and E. Rosso. Xavier Pujade-Lauraine is credited with both creative and broadcast design for the program.